1. This Surah explains that when Allah created Prophet Adam (AS), he said to all the angels to prostrate him. All the angels, except for Iblis (Saitaan), refused to prostrate. And he became arrogant and a disbeliever of Allah. Thus, Allah commanded Iblis to leave Heaven forever.
Lesson Learned:
Never to show arrogant, for everything which you possess, your money, children, family, etc all given to you by Allah. And that you are nothing. Therefore, if Allah can give you, he can also take it back.
2. Then Allah told Prophet Adam (AS) and his wife to eat all the things of paradise except the fruit of a particular tree. But Iblis trick them and both of them (Prophet Adam and his wife) were sent to earth as a punishment. Prophet Adam (AS) was sent to Serendib Island of India, while his wife was sent to Jeddah. Then Prophet Adam (AS) and his wife repent Allah and their repentance was accepted.
Lesson Learned:
Most of the time, we feel that our dua's are not answered. We are not achieving things which we aimed to. No matter how much we strive. At this moment we need to ponder on our selves. Read Astakfaar as much as possible. And see the magic happening in our lives. Sometimes we feel our mistake is too big to be forgiven by Allah. But according to this story, Allah says to Iblis, that you(Iblis) trick my children(we) and when they(we) will repent, I(Allah) will Accept their(us) repentance.
One should read Astakfaar daily. It is said that Prophet Mohammad (SAW) used to repent Allah at least 70 times a day. And we all know that Prophet Mohammad never did a single sin!
One should read Astakfaar daily. It is said that Prophet Mohammad (SAW) used to repent Allah at least 70 times a day. And we all know that Prophet Mohammad never did a single sin!
The second thing that we learn is separation from our loved ones. We need to understand that this world is temporary and the hereafter is the true place for a believer. So if we want to stay together with our loved ones, we need to repent continuously (every day) and pray to Allah to unite us with our loved ones in Jannat (Aameen).